Our team

Sabrina Karam Chief Operating Officer & Partner

Communications specialist with over 25 years of experience in national and international qualitative-market research. Sabrina is passionate about art, rock, yoga, and Mexico City’s cosmopolitan life.

Teresa Ortega Chief Business Officer & Partner

Marketing expert with a successful career in multinational companies and directing market-research agencies. Teresa is a professional traveler who enjoys exercising and attending the opera.

Arely Villa Project Manager

Social psychologist with extensive experience in anthropological qualitative studies.She enjoys "stepping on" the street and observing human behavior. She is passionate about cycling and playing soccer.

Verónica Vargas Recruitment Manager

Expert in field supervision and recruitment quality control. She has extensive experience and skills in logistics and people coordination. Loves spending time with family and shopping.

Vanesa Torres Administrative and Client Services Coordinator

Focused on providing quality customer service and managing administrative processes. She loves nothing more than spending time with her nieces and nephews and taking care of her loved ones.




Do you want to contact us? Call or email us!

+52 (55) 2335 3207 / +52 (55) 5254-2090 / contacto@ldv-research.com